About Us
Clow Canada is a national manufacturer of fire hydrants, valves and water/wastewater accessories to the Canadian market with roots dating back to the 1800s.
Clow Canada is recognized as one of the country's leading distributors of water/wastewater accessories. The company offers standard valve sizes, ranging from 2" to 30" in diameter, and can offer products up to 96" in diameter when needed.
Throughout the years, we have been able to serve the municipal/public works industry across Canada. Clow Canada has set up local distributors nationwide that supply all of our products and service all of your needs.
Upon request, we can send out catalogues complete with drawings and specifications for any of our products.
Company Information
Company Headquarters
55 Frid St. Unit #1P.O. Box 2849
Hamilton, Ont. L8P 4M3
PH: 905-548-9604
Toll Free: 800-561-9931
Fax: 905-547-0113